“Praxis seeks to come alongside churches to provide opportunities to equip the church in ways that individual churches cannot fulfill alone for a number of reasons like capacity, resources, or scale.”
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Fatherhood has fallen on hard times as Satan has undermined the nurturing influence of many fathers. In an attempt to destroy families, the devil has targeted the head of the home. The outcome of his assault has been defeated dads, bitter children, and fragmented families.
Entire dependence upon the merits and mediation of the Lord Jesus Christ as the only ground of any claim of blessing. "Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do..." (John 14:13,14).
Strangely enough, these two words are rarely found in our New Testaments of today, yet in our thinking, and sometimes our singing, they are very prominent.
A pastor had been diagnosed with a rare cancer. The congregation went to great lengths to pray. After a time he fell into a coma and died. There was a woman in that congregation who later said, “As far as I’m concerned I’m never going to ask God for anything again. Why should I bother? I don’t want to be hurt again.” Have you ever felt that as a Christian? Christians have prayed for all sorts of things that haven’t happened. Sometimes in the quietness of our own soul, though we would admit to no one else, we secretly give up on God because we don’t want to be hurt again.
When we started on our most recent trip a storm was brewing, which made traveling hazardous, both in going and in coming home.